
For the past couple months in the back of my mind, I have been looking forward to an event in Sacramento that I would be sharing some of my artwork at - in print. I never intended to sell any of my work when I started drawing again, I just wanted something to do that I felt like could be really me and not care about what others may think - or not think. I feel like as time has gone on this past year, I’ve just loved having art as a part of my weekly routine. I felt like I wanted to just experiment to see if I did a market, If people would enjoy my work back. If not, its ok, at least I tried it to see, and if they did, then …. that could be cool too.

No one can have a market in the state of California right now, and in most places across the globe. It’s a weird period in history, but some of the routines I’ve created for myself these past couple of years, get to stay the same. I still paint my nails once a week, I still am learning ( along with the rest of the world apparently now) how to bake sourdough, I still draw, and I still share.

Hard to say when we can have a market like the one that was being planned can happen again, or when we can do something like it at devout again. I hope it’s soon, but time will tell. In the meantime, i just want to fill these quarantine days with things that are worthwhile, find joy + beauty in the everyday, inside, outside, in-between spaces of life.

I’ve been thankful that I started homeschooling (kind of again… or rather for real!) with a 1st grader this year. I felt like we were already prepared, with all the schools shutting down. Even though homeschool during pandemic is nothing like homeschool regularly… there are a lot of things that have stayed the same which is really nice. I think all the not having anywhere to go or friends to meet up with has helped us work out a schedule that’s been really great. Guess we gave it time to work out the kinks in a way.

At first days were kind of blurring together, so I started having school start a little later then were before quarantine. This allows time for me to have some bible time and exercise, and make sure everyone is dressed. I said the rule is you can go from comfy clothes to comfy clothes if you want, but you have to change. It’s funny how something as simple as that, really has helped. As a joke to myself I was dressing monochromatic, some days it was rust on rust, other days green on green, no one noticed but it was fun while I did it.

I have gone through every stage of emotion, days where I was literally convinced I had the corona virus ( def. all in my head!) to really bummed about not being out, sad for no reason, frustrated easily to totally fine and feeling like I could do this no big deal! God has been so kind, and I feel like each day I’m being reminded of his sovereignty and his wisdom, and honestly, His heart to want us to be part of His work on the earth. The past few weeks though, I’ve really just had a turn. The roller coaster isn’t there any more and I’m more just excited to see what God does next. He’s already been so faithful, sometimes at the 11th hour, but faithful in so many little things.

6 weeks in and we have to wear masks now to make purchases anywhere. I did grocery store runs without them in the beginning, the next week I really tried, felt like it was super annoying and gave up a quarter way through. By the next week I felt like if I wasn’t wearing a mask I would have been stared at…. And now we have no choice. I have lots of opinions on this matter, but they aren’t for a blog post. I made the mask pictured from my grandma’s silk scarf collection. I think about how her 93 year old self, probably never in a million years anticipated her granddaughter using it for this.

I’ve always been a rearrange the furniture kind of gal, but I realized since quarantine started I’ve rearranged every single room in the house; family room, dining room, Uriah’s room, kelilah’s room, + the back yard. We have a month left or maybe more… so we will see what else gets moved around in the time being. It’s kind of an interesting challenge, Stevie’s been patient with me and all my surprises when he comes home. He still goes out to work everyday but I do feel like this time has helped us be intentional.

I’ve decided lately to live like I’m not stuck, and really trying to focus my attention on people that are really stuck. Like families who have lost income and jobs, people stuck in situations beyond their control and just need extra help. Seeing a lot of my community working together to bless others during this time, has been really life giving to me, and I’m grateful that I can be part of that in some extent. My prayer is that, during this time, people spend time eyes fixed on Jesus, asking for his heart, and Our fears can be exchanged for peace, our despair into joy. So much so that eventually peace, joy + hope just kind of spill out of us. Even in the middle of such a weird time.