time flies

it has been a year and half since i’ve last posted on this blog. time flies. I keep thinking about the inbetween of time, the moments between the highlights, the parts that people don’t see. the struggles, the heartache, the joys that happen behind our eyes. that space that misty edwards so eloquently states as the Sacred Space where you can communicate to God.

I’ve spent a year and a half mostly in that space and the beautiful part is that God met me.

this time last year, i was anxiously awaiting my 30th birthday. burdened with doubts, insecurities, fears, anxiety, and stress. do I still have days full of those things? yes of course - but i’ve also heard the gentle whisper of the Lord reminding me. Reminding me, that some things have to be let go of, some things you have to hold onto and fight for, somethings you must be still for. He is trustworthy and this life is a journey - a pilgrimage so to speak.

there are mountains, there are valleys of shadows, there are pools of refreshing when you feel like your thirst may never be quenched.

since i’ve last spoke, i started a store for a blink as something to hold onto out of fear of having nothing.
I quickly realized that wasn’t the path that was needed for that season. I had to rest, and he strengthened me in the resting.

today, i am 2 days away from turning 31 and what a year i’ve walked. because I look in the mirror and I don’t see those same struggles written on me. I see the faithfulness of a God who strengthened me when I was weak, made me strong when I didn’t believe I could be, lifted my head, and is, as every day passes redeeming.

I felt like I wanted to awaken this space today, because it just felt right.
my old things will be for sale, but in a brand new way.
i’m thankful we are always loved + seen by a God who is more faithful than the rising sun.
isn’t that so comforting?
